Machinery : Industrial Robot : Aerospace

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Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


GITAI is a space robotics startup that will develop robots that can conduct tasks in all realms of space development, and cut down costs for operations by the Moon and Mars and construct space colonies.

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Bon Voyage. Wakata-san!

GITAI’s Autonomous Robot Arm Finds Success on ISS

📅 Date:

✍️ Author: Evan Ackerman

🔖 Topics: robotics, Robotic Arm

🏭 Vertical: Aerospace

🏢 Organizations: GITAI

In this technology demonstration, the GITAI S1 autonomous space robot was installed inside the ISS Nanoracks Bishop Airlock and succeeded in executing two tasks: assembling structures and panels for In-Space Assembly (ISA), and operating switches & cables for Intra-Vehicular Activity (IVA).

Read more at IEEE Spectrum