
Assembly Line

Optimized processes for machinery and equipment: How the industry uses Visual Assistance

📅 Date:

🔖 Topics: Wearable Technology

🏢 Organizations: Oculavis

Today, troubleshooting, machine acceptance, commissioning and training are established use cases for visual assistance in industrial companies, as also stressed by a recent survey of 39 VDMA member companies.

Machine operators benefit from visual and auditory guidance provided by one or more service experts during live support. A mapping of the field of view onto the machine via the user interface of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or smart glasses, ensures simple and immediate virtual interaction. AR annotations, a continuous zoom or the possibility to transmit high-resolution images even with a bad internet connection are helpful features of oculavis SHARE. As smart tools for the expert within the video call they enable concrete instructions to technical staff, e.g., for repairs or in training situations.

Read more at Ocuvalis Blog